A repository of modern knowledge

A repository of modern knowledge (Hungarian "Ujabb kori ismeretek tára"), subtitled a Encyclopedia of sciences and political social life (Hungarian "Tudományok és politikai társas élet encyclopædiája") is a Hungarian lexicon published in the middle of the 19th century.


The large-scale work published by Gusztáv Heckenast in Pest between 1850 and 1855 processed the various branches of knowledge in 6 volumes. There is still no facsimile edition of the work, but the volumes are available in electronic form free of charge from Google Books, cf. below.

Order of volumes

Volume Number
Volume title
Year of publication
Number of pages
Electronic Access
Volume I Aargau – Brockhaus 1850 684
Volume II Brodzinszky – Ehrenfels 1850 666
Volume III Eichendorff – Girardin 1851 666
Volume IV Girod de l'Ain – Kazan 1852 672
Volume V Kazinczy – Pauperismus 1853 664
Volume VI Paxton – Zürich 1855 627


  • Petrik Géza: Magyarország bibliographiája 1712–1860 (I–IV.), Budapest, 1888–1892,

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