Carlos Evaristo

Carlos Evaristo is a Portuguese Canadian historian, archaeologist and author. He is also a well-known television personality, historic and religious commentator for Portuguese National Television RTP[1] and Executive Producer for Special Projects at Estúdios Valentim de Carvalho.[2] On October 25, 2019, Evaristo was appointed by the Brazilian Government to serve as Honorary Consul of Brazil in Fatima (Ourém) Portugal.[3]

Carlos Evaristo

Biographical information

Carlos Evaristo (professional legal name) was born in London, Ontario, Canada in 1969, the son of Portuguese Canadian parents with family ties to England, Canada, the United States, Brazil and Spain. Evaristo is married to Maria Margarida Martins Evaristo and they have three children; a boy and two girls. He is President and Co-founder of the Oureana Historical-Cultural Foundation, an Archaeologist,[4] Historical Researcher, Author and Television and Radio Host,[5] He is also a well-known expert in various fields with registered activities and recognized work in Media, Humanitarian Endeavors, Diplomacy, Public Relations and Social Communication.

Author / journalist / researcher

Evaristo is the author of over 150 Books and publications and co-author and ghost writer of over 50 other works. He is best known for his best selling books: "Two Hours with Sister Lúcia", "Two Interviews with Sister Lúcia" and "Fátima Soeur Lucia Témoigne - Lá Message Authentique". Together with Edward J. Moran Evaristo founded EVARMORA - Heart of the Planet Publications and is the Founder of the Oureana Foundation's Publishing House "Regina Mundi Press"

As an expert and researcher, he is the author of more than 35 studies and Museum Catalogues published in Portugal, Canada and abroad in the Portuguese, English, German, Spanish and French languages. Among his many published Studies are: "A Study - The Story and the Relics of the Most Holy Miracle of Santarem "Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000) and "Welcome to the Shrine of the Santarém Miracle of Santarém", Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R.1996) which proposed to the creation of the Shrine of the Santarém Miracle of Santarém with restoration of the Cult,[6] Reliquary, Major Relics and the Royal Brotherhood with the popular Annual Celebrations and Procession held since 1996: "The Inventory, Description and Evaluation of the Religious Historical Heritage of the Parish of Juncal "Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 1994);" The Study of the painting of Our Lady Queen of Portugal for the Exhibition of Images of Man, Ages of God "Carlos Evaristo, (Municipality of Torres Novas, 1998); "The Study of the Lead Seal of Pope Boniface IX found in the Primitive Tomb of D. Nuno Álvares Pereira in the Ruins of Carmo in Lisbon ", Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 1996) this work allowed for the positive identification of the tomb and the remains found there;" Regina Mundi 2000 - Project for the implantation of the Museums of the Regina Mundi Cultural Center in the Castle of Ourém "Carlos Evaristo (Oureana Foundation, 27 November / 8 December 1998), "A Study of the Evolutionary Use of Monstrances and Reliquaries for the Vatican Museums Exhibit: Saint Peter and the Vatican - The Legacy of the Popes " Carlos Evaristo (Vatican City 2003); "D. Nuno Álvares Pereira - The Saint for Our Time.Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 1997, 1998, 1999) and "Record of Published Papers and Campaigns for the National and International Propagation of the Cult of Blessed Nuno de Santa Maria and for the reopening of the Process of Canonization or Canonization by Decree"Carlos Evaristo (Foundation Oureana, 2003) which led to the reopening of the Process for the Canonization of the Founder of the Royal and Imperial House of Bragança[7] "The Counts of Ourém, Barons and Viscounts of Vila Nova de Ourém", Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 2001/2003) on the titles held in the fraternal lands of Portugal and Brazil.(Based on published works listed in the Biblioteca Nacional Website)

It is also worth mentioning that the publication by Evaristo of the International Best Sellers pertaining to the "Two Interviews with Sister Lucy" from the interviews had with the Seer of Fatima in 1992 and 1993 (20 editions in various languages; "Saint Michael, Angel of Portugal and Peace", Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R.1992, 1884, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997) pemanently settled the controversy of the Third Secret, Consercation and Conversion of Russia although having prompted vicious and slanderous attacks by Fatima Consipracy Theorists that resulted in 10 years of Crimminal Lawsuits filed by Evaristo, his wife and several other Plaintiffs The lawsuits which were eventually won against those that had openly defamed and attacked Evaristo in various publications including the book: "False Fatima Friends" [8] saw the Judges rule that Evaristo and the others were indeed the victims of an ongoing international camplaign of misinformation and slander and that neither he nor the other plaintoffs were any of the things that the Fatima Conspiracy Theorists had accused him of being including a liar, fraudster and a Vatican KGB Agent The Court also viewed that the false and malicious propaganda that circulated and related that the Fatima Seer Sister Lucia whom Evaristo had met and interviewed was not an imposter and that in fact the video footage and statements of the Seer regarding the most controversial parts of the Message of Fatima were her own and not manipulated or edited in any way.[9][10][11]

In addition to books, Evaristo has also written over 500 Newspaper Articles published in National and Regional Portuguese publications as well as in North American and International Newspapers and Magazines since 1983. He contributed with articles for the "Voice Of The Sacred Heart" (Magazine, AHFI) and is currently Correspondent and Co-Author with Fabio Tucci Farah for "Paraclitus" and "Acidigital" edited in the Archdiocese of São Paulo, Brazil.Together with celebrated Brazilian Author Fabio Tucci Farah, he writes a monthly article on the subject of Holy Relics published in "Paraclitus".[12]

Contribution to television, film, video and music industry

Evaristo appears frequently on TV and Radio in Europe and especially in Portugal and in the United States of America especially whenever there are newsworthy programs broadcast on Fatima and Church related issues.

With hundreds of television appearances since 1988, from 2008 until 2012 he was a regular on RTP1 popular morning show "Praça da Alegria" and "A Praça", although he also previously served as Religious Comentator for SIC Television and began working in television as a Reporter and Guest Co-Host with José Mário Coelho on Festival Portugues (CIRV FM) produced by Frank Alvarez that aired on Global Television in Toronto, Ontário. From 2010 until 2012. He presented a weekly popular spot on "A Praça da Alegria" morning show on RTP 1 concerning historical and religious subjects.[13]

In 2017, for the 100th Anniversary of the Fatima apparitions he produced with Carlos Casimiro a weekly series of programs "Mysteries, Secrets and Legends of Fátima" [14] that he wrote and hosted.These episodes aired weekly from May until October six months on RTP1's program "A Praça". Evaristo is still a regular Guest Commentator on "Praça da Alegria" as well as other Portuguese talk shows and Documentaries produced by RTP such as "Sociedade Civil". Together with Paul Perry he shares various prizes for Film Production.[15] Evaristo served as Correspondent for several Major TV Channels such as National Geographic TV, EWTN and Catholic Familyland TV. He has Hosted and Co-Producd several documentaries and series on Fatima, Salvador Dalí, Columbus, Relics,[16] the Discoveries, the Lisbon Mummies and as Executive Producer for Special Projects / Screenwriter and Host he has worked on Documentary Series for Valentim de Carvalho de Carvalho TV, Sakkara Pictiures,[17] Crown Pictures, National Geographic Channel, Oddiseiy Channel, History Channel, SPA, RTP 1 and RTP 2 and participated as Guest im more than 100 Documentaries havmg also become known to the international audience in 2005 for being a Prop Consultant for those working for Mel Gibson's film on the Passion of the Christ.[18]

As Songwriter / Composer he is responsible for the composition of various the theme songs honoring such celebrated singers as; Amália Rodrigues, Emanuel,[19] Elvis Presley [20] and Roberto Leal ("Leal Leal por Roberto Leal"). To honor the Portuguese Brazilliuan singer, in 2001, Evaristo performed live at the opening of three of the major concerts of Roberto Leal during the 2001 season concert tour; in Ourém, Vale da Porca and Guimarães.

Evaristo has produced several records for various record companies including a CD for the Sociedade Filarmónica Ouriennse's 150th Anniversary. Acting as Executive Producer for Special Projects at Estúdios Valentim de Carvalho, Evaristo has not only produced documentary series on various religious and historic subjects but in 2014 participated in the Collection of CD's honoring Portugal's greatest artists having produced for Valentim de Carvalho in 2015 the last album of recently deceased celebrated Portuguese Queen of Accordion, Eugénia Lima.[21][22] Carlos Evaristo also organized the Memorial Museum for Eugénia Lima in Alto da Serra, Rio Maior known as "O Recanto Eugénia Lima" and helped create the Institute that bears her name.[23]

Musical Performer Carlos Evaristo rehearsing backstage at the piano with Brazilian Singer Nilton Cesar before performing for the opening of the 50th Anniversary Concert of Amalia Rodrigues, Royal Thompson Hall, Toronto,Ontario, Canada 1990.

A long time personal friend of celebrated Fado Singer Amália Rodrigues, Evaristo not only organized several events honoring the Queen of Fado,in Portugal and Canada but also her Coronation in Ourém Castle as Queen of Fado in August 1995. Amália was also honored by Evaristo with a series of concerts, exhibits and sculptures.[24][25]

In August 2002, with permission from Elvis Presley Enterprises and Lisa Marie Presley, Evaristo organized "Elvisfest" in Ourém, Portugal, the largest celebration in Europe honoring the memory of Singer Elvis Presley on the 25th anniversary of his death.[26] The event which included a major Gala Dinner, several Concerts and an Art Exhibit gathered over 10, 000 fans. Evaristo himself, a fan of Elivis, donned a gem studded jumpsuit at the opening of the Concert amd impersonated the King performing a medley of his most famous songs. During the week long celebrations there was held a Mass in Fatmia, Portugal for all performers and artists, during which Evaristo publicly disclosed the fact that Elvis had recorded "The Miracle of the Rosary" [27] a song composed by Lee Denson honoring Our Lady of Fátima. In that same year, Evaristo got Denson, the Graceland Estate and BMG Records to grant permission for a limited edition commemorative CD to be produced with an insert booklet revealing for the first time the story of how the recording honoring Our Lady of Fatima was recorded by the King of Rock and Rol in May 1972. In appreciation for the public disclosure of these facts the late singer / songwriter Lee Denson, a childhood friend of Elvis, bequeathed part of the rights of this song in perpetuity to the Oureana Foundation.

Co-founder Oureana Foundation and cultural activities

Evaristo is CEO, President and together with his wife is Co-Founder of the Fundação Histórico - Cultural Oureana [28] (para a Pesquisa Religiosa) Founded by John Mathias Haffert.[29] He is also Director / Curator of several Museums that he created and or sponsored (Espaço Museológica Santuário do Santíssimo Milagre de Santarém (Santarém), Sedes Mundi Reginae Museums; Museu Oureana, Museu Botica de São João (a Medieval Apothecary), Museu Mariano,[30] Museu Exposição Nacional do Santo Condestável (Ourém Castle),[31] Espaço Museológico D. Afonso, IV Conde de Ourém (Porto de Mós Castle,[32][33][34] O Recanto, Espaço Museológico Eugénia Lima, Rainha do Accordeão [35]).

Evaristo regularly organizes free cultural events for the Oureana Foundation such as exhibits and concerts wth celebrated artists so as to honor the Immigrant Communities of the Portuguese / Brazilian Diaspora [36] Friends and Patrons in this endeavor have included Portuguese Singers Amália Rodrigues, Roberto Leal, Emanuel and Clemente, all of whom were honored by Evaristo with the bestowal of the coveted "Career Award" of King or Queen of their particular Music Gendre conferred by the Oureana Foundation complete with a Coronation Banquet, Recorded Commemorative Anthems and Oil Portraits hung in Ourém Castle's Medieval Banquet Hall

Evaristo is Founder of the Portuguese Chapter of the Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museums and of the International Crusade for Holy Relics/Apostolate for Holy Relics - Regalis Lipsanoteca/Relic Museum.[37]) among various other Civil and Roman Catholic Associations.[38]

With extensive experience in supporting emigration and Luso - Brazilian tourism in Canada, Evaristo was part of the group that led to the founding of the Casa do Brasil . Pedro Álvares Cabral in Santarém, Portugal, having worked with Santarém City Hall during the visits of the Presidents of Portugal and Brazil to that City for the inauguration of the Casa do Brasil and of the Consular Representation. Acting as Commissary, he organized the Closing Celebrations of the 500 years of the Discovery of Brazil that took place in Ourém, Castle with a Ceremony of Conferral of the Municipal Order of Pedro Alvares Cabral and a Gala Banquet for the inauguration of the Casa do Brasíl D. João Afonso Tello de Menezes. The event included a series of Benefit Concerts given by Roberto Leal. Evaristo was co-organizer of the Emigrant Day in Ourém in 2001, today an annual tradition. Through the Oureana Foundation and D. Manuel II Foundations Evaristo have organized and sponsored numerous ongoing activities for over 25 years at Municipal, Federal and Diocesan Museums. This year (2019) he is the Commissioner of the Official Celebrations of the 700th Anniversary of the Order of Christ,[39] having organized for the Portuguese Government (Ministry of Culture) a series of Conferences.[40][41]

Patron of the arts and curator of museums

Recognized as a Patron of the Arts, Evaristo has been a Fund Raiser for Culture and Museums; Conference Organizer and Creator, Sponsor and Curator Museums in Portugal and abroad, Evaristo has given support to the Cristóvão Colom Interpretation Centre in Cuba, Portugal (2019) and is the President and Founder of the Office of Patrons of the Vatican Museums for Lusophone Countries and is Correspondent of the Brazilian Academy of Hagiology (ABRHAGI) in Portugal and International Councilor of the Department of Sacred Archeology of the Archdiocese of São Paulo, Brasíl.[42]

Promoter of Roman Catholic Apostolates / Expert on Fátima and Holy Relics / Fundraising for charity, volunteer and humanitarian endeavors

Evaristo's name is very much linked to the Fatima Apostolate [43] and his family we friends of Sister Lúcia and the Carmelite Sisters of the Convent of Saint Teresa in Coimbra, Portugal. Evaristo acted as the official translator at meetings between the oldest Seer of the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fátima in 1917 and several Bishops and Cardinals from 1992 to 2005. During several of the interviews Sister Lúcia confirmed on video the validity of the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary that was made by Pope John Paul II on March 25, 1984.[44]

The October 11th, 1993 video taped interview with sister Lucia was broadcast on Portuguese television stations RTP1,[45] RTP2 and SIC and on the Italian Station RAI 2, during March 1998. Most of this interview is included in a Valentim de Carvalho Media Produced 2 part mini Series on Fatima "Os Mistérios de Fátima" available from RTP Home Video. This interview was broadcast for the purpose of public clarification following malicious attacks on Evaristo by Message of Fátima conspiracy theorists.[46]

He is a Member of the Blue army and the archivist of the Domus Pacis in Fatima. He is also National Coordinator for the Alliance of the Holy Family Foundation International and a Director of the Portuguese Shroud Research Centre and Founder of FIDES:[47] Federação-Internacional-de-Estudos-Sindonologicos.[48] Under the Patronage of the Portuguese and Italian Royal Houses, Evaristo chairs the FIDES [49] King Umberto II Award for Shroud Research and Devotion.[50]

Evaristo is considered one of the World foremost experts on Holy Relics, Simulacrae and Sacred Iconography.[51] Together with the renowned scientist, the late Prof. Frederick T. Zugibe [52] he founded the Centre for Religious Research that studies Miraculous, Mystical and Paranormal Phenomena, Diabolical Obsession, Possession,[53] and Apparitions Both he and Fabio Farah Tucci are the founders of the Royal Institute for Sacred Archaeology.[54] As a foremost expert on Holy Relics Evaristo has served as Member of various Diocesan Commissions for the Authentication of Holy Relics and in this capacity has collaborated with Postulators and Vice-Postulators and has also examined and studied most of the Major Relics of Christendom and also hundreds of bodies of Saints and important religious and historic figures. In 1988, together with his wife Margarida, he founded Saint Anne's Oratory Apostolate for Holy Relics and later with Thomas J. Serafin, the International Crusade for Holy Relics/Apostolate for Holy Relics. It's the largest Canonically Erected International organization in support of Holy Relics with tens of thousands of members world-wide. It is headquartered at the Regalis Lipsanotheca in Ourém Castle that houses one of the world's largest Relic Collections begun by the Evaristo Family and Co-founder and fellow renowned Relic Expert Rev. Carlo Cecchin.[55]

Evaristo made headlines in Portugal when in 1996, he positively identified the original tomb of Portugal's Holy Constable Saint Nuno Alvares Pereira, rediscovered in the ruins of the Carmo Monastery in Lisbon, Portugal. Evaristo also published the study "A Saint for Our Time" that contributed to the reopening of the Cause for the Canonization of Saint Nuno, his own mother having received the Miraculous Cure approved by the scientific Commission in the Vatican. and recognized by Pope Bendict XVI.[56]

Evaristo has carried out more than 30 years of work as a Volunteer for the benefit of Culture, the Arts and the poor. He has been involved with fundraising for various charitable Catholic Missionary causes and s a member of the Third Order Franciscan being one of the founders of the "Saint Francis Table" Soup Kitchen in Toronto, Canada, providing free meals for unemployed, poor and homeless, as well as for migrants, / Portuguese and Brazilian studentsl. Evaristo and his family collaborated and supported Mother Teresa of Calcutta and her sisters in Canada and as Founder, President or volunteer Member of various social institutions such as the Royal Confraternity of the Holy Constable he has continued to help the poor in Portuguese-speaking third-world countries, in Africa, in Asia, in the Philippines and in Brazil.

Evaristo has served as Secretary for various Cardinals and Bishops and also Fundraiser for the Church Missions and the Poor. He is one of the Founders of the Royal;Confraternity of Saint Nuno, the Prester John Institute and has worked for more than 25 years as a volunteer.

Recognition, honors, awards, memberships, distinctions and honorary doctorate degrees

In his role as Chief of Protocol and Security for the visits of various prominent figures such as the Dali Lama and Heads of Royal Houses and in his work in promoting and reestablishin' fraternal ties amongst Royals, Evaristo has given talks and conferences all over the World and was awarded the Traditional Tibetan Peace Award (Katoq),conferred by the Dalai Lama of Tibet after having successfully served as Chief of Protocol and Security for the first Visit of the Religious Leader to Fátima, Portugal in 2001.[57] In January 2019 Carlos Evaristo was designated a Founding Member of the Emerald Palace Kempinski Dubai Royal Club in recognition for his role in helping to bring together dozens of Royal Families for the inauguration of one the world's most modern and luxurious Hotel complexes.[58]

Evaristo is a Senior Member of Dynastic Orders of various Royal Houses and holds honors ;in the Orders of Our Lady of Conception of Vila Viçosa, Saint Michael of the Wing and Order of Merit (Portugal) as well as the Orders of Saints Maurice and Lazarus and Order of Merit (taly),having served as Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Secretary General and Vice-Delegate Vicar. He is also a high-ranking member of the Dynastic Royal Orders of the Royal Houses of Two Sicilies, Russia, Georgia, Montenegro, Ethiopia, Vietnam. Rwanda and Hawaii. He is a Member of the Brazilian, Italian, Russian, institutes of Nobility.[59] On 31 August 2020 the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, Ukraine), one of the most important pedagogical universities in Europe, conferred upon Dr. Carlos Evaristo, an Honorary Doctorate Degree in Philosophy, in recognition of his contributions to the promotion of the history and preservation of the heritage of Christianity in Europe.

Published works [60]

- A Botica de São João, Antiga Farmácia do Santo Condestável no Castelo de Ourém. Carlos & Margarida Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 2011, 2012) [61]

- A História Completa e Desconhecida do SSmo Milagre de Santarém, Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 1993)

- A História da Ordem de São Miguel da Ala. Carlos Evaristo, (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 2002)

- A Morte de Cristo e Barbet Revisto. Dr. Frederick Zugibe / Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 2002 - 24 Páginas)

- A Nostalgic Look at London Canada Vols. I - XV. Carlos Evaristo / D. Whetstone (3 M, 1984)

- A Real Irmandade de São Miguel da Ala, História e Estatutos : A Devoção Portuguesa a São Miguel, Anjo de Portugal e da Paz. Carlos Evaristo / Apresentação: S.A.R. Dom Duarte de Bragança (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 2000)

- A Real Irmandade de São Miguel da Ala : história e estatutos : a devoção portuguesa a São Miguel anjo de Portugal e da Paz / Carlos Evaristo. (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R., 2002, Fátima : Indugráfica - Indústria Gráfica). - 127, [1] p. : il. ; 21 cm. - Bibliografia, p. 124. - ISBN 972-97835-6-X [62]

- A Study of the Cult and Relics of the Heads of Saint John the Baptist in the Roman Catholic Church. Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 1993)

- A Study of the Evolutionary Use of Monstrances and Reliquaries in the Roman Catholic Church. Prepared for the Vatican Museums Exhibit: Saint Peter and the Vatican, The Legacy of the Popes. Carlos Evaristo (Vatican City 2003)

- A Study - The Story and the Relics of the Most Holy Miracle of Santarém. Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000)

- A Study - The Story and the Relics of the Most Holy Miracle of Santarém. Carlos Evaristo / Preface: HRH the Duke of Bragança (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 1993) [63]

- A Study - The Story and the Relics of the Most Holy Miracle of Santarém. Carlos Evaristo / Preface: HRH the Duke of Bragança (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R.1996)

- A Study - The Story and the Relics of the Most Holy Miracle of Santarém. Carlos Evaristo / Preface: HRH the Duke of Bragança (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 1997)

- A Study - The Story and the Relics of the Most Holy Miracle of Santarém. Carlos Evaristo / Preface: HRH the Duke of Bragança (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 2000)

- Catálogo da Exposição de Jesus Soler - Homem de Cultura e Cidadão do Mundo. Vitor Escudero de Campos / Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 2003)

- Catálogo da Exposição Espólio do Rei D. Carlos e da Rainha D. Amélia - Exposição Commemorativa do Centenário da Ponte D. Amélia, Carlos Evaristo (Fundação Oureana / Câmara Municipal do Cartaxo. 2004)

- (Actas) Convegno Internazionale "Imitazioni ed imitatori di Ordini Cavallereschi nella storia e la manata applicazione degli articoli 7 e 8 della legge 3 marzo 1951 n. 178" : atti Carlos Evaristo (2009)

- D. Miguel, A Ordem de São Miguel da Ala, Regulamento Geral Reforma Regulamentar Interino. Apresentação de Carlos Evaristo (1859) (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 2010)

- D. Nuno Álvares Pereira - The Saint for Our Time.Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999)

- D. Nuno Álvares Pereira - Um Santo para o nosso tempo.Carlos Evaristo (Fundação D. Manuel II, 2003) [64]

- Dali's Fatima Secret, A True Story of Salvador Dalí, the Apparitions of Fátima, and an American's Heavenly inspiration fom Hell. Paul Perry. Credited Collaboration and Foreword by Carlos Evaristo;[65]Introduction by Nicolas Descharnes. - 1st ed. - [S.l.] : Regina Mundi Press, cop. 2016. - 205, [24] p. : il. ; 22 cm [66]

- Duas Entrevistas com a Irmã Lúcia.(Preface by Mons. Dr. Can. José Geraldes Freire) (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 1998)

- Duas Horas com a Irmã Lúcia. Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 1993, 1994, 1998)

- Estatutos da Real Irmandade do Santíssimo Milagre de Santarém Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 2000) (Aprovado por D. Manuel Pelino, Bispo de Santarém)

- Estudo do Quadro de Nossa Senhora Rainha de Portugal para a exposição Imagens do Homem, Idades de Deus. Carlos Evaristo (Museu Municipal de Torres Novas, 1998)

- Estudo do Selo de Chumbo do Papa Bonifácio IX Encontrado na Sepultura Primitiva de D. Nuno Álvares Pereira nas Ruinas do Carmo em Lisboa. Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R.1996)

- Ethiopia's Traditions and Cults of the Holy Ark. Carlos Evaristo, Prester John Institute (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R.2003)

- Fátima Soeur Lucia Témoigne - Lá Nessage Authentique. Carlos Evaristo (Preface by Rev. Yves Chiron) (CHALET, 1999) [67]

- História da Sociedade Filarmónica Ouriense, 150 Anos de Música 1855 - 2005. Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 2005)

- Inventário, Descriçam e Avaliação do Património Histórico Religioso da Freguesia do Juncal em 13 de Setembro de 1992. Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R.1994)

- It all started with "Two hours with Sister Lúcia": A collection of new, never before published interviews with the last Fátima Seer of the 1917 Apparitions: Sister Lúcia's recent answers to the questions of our time. Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R.1997)

- Last Night Before Christmas. Carlos Evaristo (EVARMORA - Heart of the Planet Publications 1994)

- Milagres e graças de São Frei Nuno de Santa Maria.[68] Compliação: Francisco José Rodrigues, Prefácio: Duarte de Bragança ; Coordenação e Revisão: Carlos Evaristo. (Real Confraria do Santo Condestável, 2012) ISBN 978-989-97501-2-8

- Nuno Álvares Pereira - The Saint for Our Time, Carlos Evaristo, (Fundação D. Manuel II, 2004)

- Os Condes de Ourém e os Barões e Viscondes de Vila Nova de Ourém. Carlos Evaristo Prefácio: Duarte Pio de Bragança ; Fotos. António Homem Cardoso... [et al.]. - [S.l.] : Regina Mundi Press I.C.H. R., 2006 (Fátima : Indugráfica). - 271 p. : il. ; 22 cm. - Bibliografia, 267–270. - ISBN 972-97835-8-6 [69]

- Presenças de Santo António. Expo 98 Portugal (Revista) No 1, Ano I, Carlos Evaristo (Janeiro 1998)

- Project for the Creation of an International Centre for the Study, Preservation and Propagation of the Roman Catholic Faith. Prepared for the International Centre for the True Spirit of Fatima. Carlos Evaristo (I.C.T.S.F., August 2005)

- Projecto Regina Mundi 2000 Para an Implantação dos Museus do Centro Cultural Regina Mundi no Castelo de Ourém. Carlos Evaristo (Fundação Histórico - Cultural Oureana. 27 de Novembro / 8 de Dezembro de 1998)

- Quadros da História de Ourém, Carlos Evaristo (Preface by H.R.H.D. Duarte de Bragança),(Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R.1998)

- Quadros da História de Ourém - Special Edition. Carlos Evaristo (Preface by H.R.H. The Duke of Bragança) (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R.1998)

- Regina Mundi 2000 - Project for the implantation of the Museums of the Regina Mundi Cultural Center in the Castle of Ourém. Carlos Evaristo (Oureana Foundation, 27 November / 8 December 1998)

- Registo de Artigos publicados e Campanhas levadas a cabo para a Propagação Nacional e iIternacional do Culto de Beato Nuno de Santa Maria e para a Reabertura do Processo de Canonização ou Canonização Por Decreto.Carlos Evaristo (Fundação Oureana, 2003)

- Real to us Now Relics Series Vol. II and III. Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R.1995,1998)

- Record of Published Papers and Campaigns for the National and International Propagation of the Cult of Blessed Nuno de Santa Maria and for the Reopening of the Process of Canonization or Canonization by Decree. Carlos Evaristo (Oureana Foundation. 2003)

- Relics the Forgotten Sacramental. Tom Serafin / Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R.1997)

- Renûncia... Os Antipapas através dos Tempos. Cisma ou Loucura? (Português) Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 2005 / 2013)

- Retablulos Relicários .Francisco Lameira, Carlos Evaristo, José João Loureiro (Departamento de Artes e Humanidades da Universidade do Algarve / Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. D.L. 2016. - 256 p. : il. ; 29 cm. - Promontoria Monográfica. História da arte ; 13) [70]

- Saint Peter and the Vatican - The Legacy of the Popes. Museum Catalogue. Credited Collaboration of Carlos Evaristo (Vatican City 2003);

- Saint Michael, and the Fátima Connection - The Mystery Solved. Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 1992)

- Saint Michael in history and in Fatima : The mystery of the missing host and the moved chalice. Carlos Evaristo.(Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 1992)

- Sermão Pregado nas Solenes Exéquiasdo Senhor D. Affonso Henriques (1832) Apresentação de Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 2009)

- The Many Apparitions and Interventions of Saint Michael, Angel of Portugal / Angel of Peace and the Fátima Connection, Carlos Evaristo (Preface by Rev. Dr. Messias Dias Coelho and Presentation by H.R.H.Dom Duarte de Bragança) (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 1999 )

- The Complete, Untold Story of the Eucharistic Miracles of Santarém, Portugal's National Treasure. Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R.1993)

- The Counts of Ourém, Barons and Viscounts of Vila Nova de Ourém..Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 2001 / 2003)

- The History of Egypt. Carlos Evaristo (St. John's School 1983)

- The History of London, Ontario. Carlos Evaristo (St. John's School 1983)

- The Inventory, Description and Evaluation of the Religious Historical Heritage of the Parish of Juncal. (English Edition) Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 1994)

- The "Most Holy Miracle" of Santarém / Martinho Vicente Rodrigues. Credited Co, aboration and English Translation by Carlos Evaristo. - 3 rd ed. = New rRvised translation. - Santarém Shrine, 2004. - 276 p. : il. ; 21 cm

- The Study of the Lead Seal of Pope Boniface IX found in the Primitive Tomb of D. Nuno Álvares Pereira in the Ruins of Carmo in Lisbon. Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 1996)

- The Study of the painting of Our Lady Queen of Portugal for the Exhibition of Images of Man, Ages of God. English Edition Carlos Evaristo, (Municipality of Torres Novas, 1998)

- The Untold Story of the Holy Shroud (English) Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 2011)[71]

- Two Hours With Sister Lucia. Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997) [72]

- Two Interviews With Sister Lucia. Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 2000)

- Welcome to the Shrine of the Santarém Miracle of Santarém. Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R.1996)

- When the Saints go Marching Out... Martin Luther's War on Holy Relics. Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 2000)

- Zwei Stunden mit Schwester Lucia. Carlos Evaristo (Regina Mundi Press I.C.H.R. 1998.

Television and Film Credits, Documentary Production, Series, Video Translation and Voice-over

- A Espiritualidade de Nuno Álvares Pereira / The Spirituality of Nuno Àlvares Pereira (English, Portuguese, French, Italian, Castillian, Spanish) (Fundação Batalha de Aljubarrota

Narrated and Co-Hosted by Carlos Evaristo. 2011) 60 Mins NTSC/PAL/SICAM [73]

- A Mensagem de Fátima 31 Minutos Veritas Video (Português) 1993 DVD/VHS

- A Mensagem de Garabandal 54 Minutos Workers Our Lady Mount Carmel 1995 DVD/VHS

- A Sagrada Família no Egípto 60 Minutes SAKKARA Productions / Crown Pictures DVD 2014

- A Vida de Nuno Àlvares Pereira 60 Minutos Comissão de S. Nuno 2009 DVD ComSom

- A Vida para Além da Morte 60 Minutes SAKKARA Productions / Crown Pictures DVD Crown Pics. (Voice Over and Narration)

- A Visita do Dalai Lama a Fátima 60 Minutos Crown Pictures 26,27/11/2001 DVD/VHS

- Afterlife 60 Minutes SAKKARA Productions 2010 DVD Vanguard (Voice Over and Narration)

- Amália, Rainha do Fado 60 Minutos Regina Mundi 12/8/1995 DVD/VHS

- Amigos para Sempre 60 Minutos SIC TV / Cristina Caras Lindas 1994 DVD/VHS

- Beatificação: Porquê? 30 Minutos RTP2 1991/2000 DVD/VHS

- Crónica do Século Série (20 Epis) RTP1 1999 DVD/VHS

- Crónica do Século Série (20 Epis) RTP1 1999 DVD/VHS

- Dalís Fatima Secret 60 Minutos SAKARA / Crown Pictures 2012 DVD CV DVD CV[74]

- Dali's Greatest Secret 60 Minutos SAHHARA Productions 2012 DVD CV DVD CV [75][76]

- Dali's Greatest (Fátima) Secret 60 Minutos SAKARA / Crown Pictures 2013 DVD CV DVD CV [77]

- Roberto Leal, Embaixador dos Emigrantes 120 Minutos Foto Arte 10/8/2001 DVD/VHS

- Dia do Emigrante - Roberto Leal 120 Minutos Foto Arte 10/8/2001 DVD/VHS

- Emanuel, Rei da Música Popular 120 Minutos Regina Mundi Press 5/10/1998 DVD/VHS

- Enviado Especial, Fátima na Rússia 60 Minutos RTP1 13/10/1997 DVD/VHS

- Exposição Amália, Rainha 10 Minutos Regina Mundi Press 12/8/1995 DVD/VHS

- Fundação Oureana Museu 30 Minutos Regina Mundi Press 12/8/1995 DVD/VHS

- Holy Hijacker 60 Minutes Glencairn Films / Crown Pictures 1999 DVD/VHS

- Interview with Sister Lúcia – I 30 Minutes Catholic Familyland TV/ Oureana 2001 DVD/VHS

- Interview with Sister Lúcia – II 30 Minutes Catholic Familyland TV/ Oureana 2001 DVD/VHS

- Máquina da Verdade 60 Minutos SIC TV / Carlos Narciso 1994 DVD/VHS

- Mistérios de Fátima Série (3 Epis) Edições Valentim de Carvalho 1998 DVD Videos RTP

- Os Acorrentados em Ourém 120 Minutos SIC TV / Isabel Figueira 23/2/2001 DVD/VHS

- Os Eleitos de Fátima 30 Minutos RTP2 / Oureana 12/5/2000 DVD/VHS

- O Segredo de Fatima de Salvador Dalí. SAKARA / Ediçóes Valentim de Carvalho. 2015 [78]

- Os Santinos do Poivo )Series) Ediçóes Valentim de Carvalho (2013)

- Pedro e Inês I Série (6 Epis) RTP1 / Antinomia Prod / Oureana DVD/VHS

- Pedro e Inês II Série (5 Epis) RTP1 / Antinomia Prod / Oureana DVD/VHS

- Pedro e Inês III Série (3 Epis) RTP1 / Antinomia Prod / Oureana DVD/VHS

- Pedro e Inês Compacto TV Filme RTP1 / Antinomia Prod / Oureana PHD 03 Port.DIGITAL

- Relic Kingdoms (Series) 2012 - SAKARA / Crown Pictures [79]-

- Reunião Ford International 30 Minutos Evasão Sem Limites / Oureana 4/6/1997 DVD/VHS

- Secrets and Mysteries of Christopher Columbus - The World's First 007 (2018) SAKARA / RAHA / Crown Pictures [80][81]

- Surprise Show SIC - Medieval 60 Minutos Endmol. Apresentado por Fátima Lopes / Oureana 1997 DVD/VHS

- Testemunha - Salazar 30 Minutos RTP1(Fernando Pessa / Adriano Moreira)1999 DVD/VHS

- Testemunha - 30 Minutos RTP1 (Fernando Pessa) 1999 DVD/VHS

- The 50th Anniversary of Christ the King 30 Minutos Real Life Productions 19/9/1989 DVD/VHS

- The Fatima Connection 60 Minutosn Catholic Familyland TV/Kronzer Media 2001 DVD/VHS

- The Holy Family in Egypt 60 Minutes SAKKARA Productions 2010 DVD

- The Legend of Nazaré 30 Minutos Regina Mundi Press ICHR 1991 DVD/VHS

- The Message of Fátima 31 Minutos Veritas Video 1993 DVD/VHS

- The Miracle of Fátima Infomercial Catolic Familyland TV 2002 DVD/VHS

- The Miracle of Our Lady Nazaré 60 Minutos Evarmora 8/5/1994 DVD/VHS

- The Urgency of Alliance Two Hearts 30 Minutes Alliance Media / Oureana 2001 DVD/VHS

- The Pope in Portugal (50th trip) 30 Minutos Consolata Missions 12,13/5/1991 DVD/VHS

- The Secret Mummies of Lisbon SAKARA / Crown Pictures 2017 [82] º

- The Story of Fátima 30 Minutos Catholic Familyland TV/ Oureana 2001 DVD/VHS

- Torneio Medieval D. Nuno 90 Minutos Oureana 15 /8/1996 DVD/VHS

- Trasladação Irmã Lúcia. 30 Minutos SIC Programa "Fátima" com Roberto Leal 13/02/2006 DVD


  • EVARISTO, Carlos; Os Condes de Ourém e os Barões e Viscondes de Vila Nova de Ourém. Fátima: Regina Mundi Press, 2006. 272 p. (ISBN 972-97835-8-6)
  • EVARISTO, Carlos; Duas entrevistas com a Irmã Lúcia. Prefácio de Monsenhor José Geraldes Freire. Fátima: Regina Mundi Press, 1998. (ISBN 972-97835-0-0)
  • EVARISTO, Carlos; Quadros da História de Ourém: a jóia da coroa portuguesa. Fátima: Regina Mundi Press, 2000. 656 p. (ISBN 972-97835-3-5)
  • EVARISTO, Carlos; A Real Irmandade de São Miguel da Ala: História e estatutos: a devoção portuguesa a São Miguel Anjo de Portugal e da Paz. Fátima: Regina Mundi Press, 2002. 127 p. (ISBN 972-97835-6-X)
  • EVARISTO, Carlos; Os Condes de Ourém e os Barões e Viscondes de Vila Nova de Ourém Fátima: Regina Mundi Press, 2006. 272 p. (ISBN 972-97835-8-6)


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