Comparison of code generation tools

List of tools

Product Creator Platform First public release Latest stable version Software license
Xomega.Net for Visual Studio[1] Xomega.Net Windows 2010 7.7.4 / 2018-08-08 Proprietary
Acceleo Obeo cross-platform (Java / Eclipse) 2006 3.7.7 / 2018-12-04 Eclipse Public
Accelerator Surround Technologies Windows, Web, Mobile (C# / .NET) 2007 6.2 Proprietary
actifsource actifsource GmbH cross-platform (Java / Eclipse) 4.6.3 / 2011-08-09 Proprietary
aicodoo[2] Alexander Derksen Java, Web 2020 0.1 Proprietary
Apeel PHP Code Generator Pro City Business Logic Windows 2001 11.03b / 2011-09-04 Proprietary
AtomWeaver Isomeris Windows 2010 1.3.1 / 2012-02-20 Proprietary
Catapult[3] Polyrific[3] Windows, Web, Mobile (C# / .NET) 2013 4.0 Proprietary
Celerio Jaxio[4] cross-platform (Java) 2015 4.0.2 / 2015-11-16 Apache License 2.0
Click2Code onlinewebtech windows 2013 1.0 / 2013-09-20 Proprietary
Code4Green-A Free Code Generation tool Code4Green[5] SharePoint, C#, VB.Net, Java, ASP.Net, HTML, SQL Database 2009 5.0 Proprietary
Code-g flexible pattern based code generator Abstractmeta Java 0.30 / 2012-05-20 Apache License 2.0
CodeBhagat CodeBhagat LLC Windows (C# / .NET) 2014 1.0 / 2014 Proprietary
CodeCharge Studio Yes Software PHP, ASP, ASP.NET, Java 2014 0.5.1 / 2014-07-02 Proprietary
CodeFluent Entities SoftFluent Windows 2005 840 - 2016 Proprietary
CodeGenerator360 Windows (Online Tool) 2011 Proprietary
Code generation plugin for Astah UML Community José Carreno cross-platform 2014 1.3.0_GA / 2014-05-08 Free
CodeIgniter Wizard Ozar Mac 2020 1.1.4 Proprietary
Code Modeler SoftFluent Windows 2018 Proprietary
Code On Time Code On Time LLC Windows (c# / .NET) Proprietary and Subscription
Code/Simple CodeSimple, LLC Online Tool (Stored Procedure Generator for SQL Server Instances) 2018 Proprietary and Subscription
CodeSmith Generator CodeSmith Tools Windows 2004 7.1.0 / 2015-08-10 Proprietary
CodeStencil Zera Systems Windows 2018 1.0 Proprietary
Cog Ned Batchelder cross-platform (Python) 2.1 MIT License
C++ Middleware Writer[6] Ebenezer Enterprises cross-platform 2002 1.14 Free
DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit Semantic Designs Windows 2001 2.0 Proprietary
DRAKON Stepan Mitkin cross-platform (Tcl/Tk) 2011 1.27 / 2016-03-10 Free
EntiPro EntiCraft Windows Proprietary
EazyCode Datacraft Windows 2004 7.1 / 2014-09-08 Proprietary
Flowchart to Code Athek Windows 2013 1.0 / 2013-01-10 Proprietary
GenerateXY DotXY Windows 5.1 Proprietary
generjee[7] Alexander Derksen cross-platform (Java) 2015 1.2.0 / 2020 Proprietary
GeneXus GeneXus Cross Platform (multiple) 1991-2018 v16 Proprietary
Genshi (templating language) Edgewall Software cross-platform (Python) 2006-08-03 0.5.1 / 2008-07-09
GSL Universal Code Generator[8][9][10] iMatix Corporation cross-platform 4.1.5 / 2017-10-14 GPLv3
Iron Speed Designer Iron Speed, Inc. Windows 2001 9.2.0 / 2013-12-18 Proprietary
JCodeBox cross-platform (Java) Proprietary
Jigy Generator GetJigy Eclipse & NetBeans 2014 1.0.1 / 2014-10-17 Proprietary
Jinja (Template engine) Pocoo team cross-platform (Python) 2.1.1 BSD
JPA Modeler Gaurav Gupta cross-platform (Java) 2014 1.7 / 2016-06-07 Apache License 2.0
Json2Kotlin [11] Syed Absar Karim Kotlin 2017 Free
Json4Swift [12] Syed Absar Karim Swift 2015 Free
Kid (templating language) Ryan Tomayko cross-platform (Python) 0.9.6 / 2006-12-20
kiss! C#, VB.NET and SQL Script Generator Cove Bay Software Limited Windows 2013 / 2015-05-05 Proprietary
Linx Twenty57 windows 2006 5.19 / 2020-06-20 Proprietary
Mako Michael Bayer cross-platform (Python) 1.1.2 / 2020-03-01 MIT License
MATLAB The MathWorks, Inc. Windows, macOS, Linux 1984 9.5 / 2018-09-12 Proprietary
M-Power mrc cross-platform (Java) 2004 Proprietary
Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch Microsoft Windows 2011 2011-07-26 Proprietary
MinuteProject (Velocity, DB, WSDL) Florian Adler cross-platform (Java) 2004 0.8.3 / 2013-06-05 Apache License 2.0, GPL
MOLGENIS Morris Swertz[13] cross-platform (Java) 2004 3.3 LGPLv3
NoORM Ulf Pietruschka cross-platform (Java) 2013 1.0.0 / 2013-11-19 Apache License 2.0
OpenMDX cross-platform (Java) 2004-01-28 2.4 / 2009-03-26 BSD
OutSystems Platform OutSystems cross-platform (.NET, Java) 2001 10.0 / 2016-10-04[14] Proprietary
Application Builder PHP 2014 1.0 / 2014-03-20 Proprietary
PHPRunner Xlinesoft Windows 2003 5.3 / 2010-10-15 Proprietary
Radarc Online Icinetic Android, iOS, Windows (C#/XAML, Java, Objective C) 2012 1.2.0 / 2014-11-04 Proprietary
Reegenerator Kodeo Limited Windows (C#, VB.NET) 2010 2.0.5 / 2014-01-26 Proprietary
ribosome Martin Sustrik cross-platform (Ruby, JavaScript or Python) 2014 1.15 / 2015-07-08 MIT License
Scriptcase Scriptcase Web - Online 2000 9.4 / 2019-08-01 Proprietary
Skaffolder Skaffolder cross-platform (web and mobile apps) 2017 Proprietary
T4 Microsoft Windows 2005 2010 MIT License
Telosys[15] OW2 cross-platform (Java : CLI and Eclipse Plugin) 2011 3.0.0 / 2018-04-10 LGPLv3
Textrude Neil MacMullen cross-platform 2021 1.2.0 MIT LIcense
Umple University of Ottawa cross-platform (Java / Eclipse) 2010 1.23.0 / 2015-12-21 MIT License
Velocity apache Apache Software Foundation cross-platform (Java) 1.6.2 / 2009-03-19 Apache License 2.0
WaveMaker WaveMaker Inc. cross platform (aPaaS) 2003 10.0.3 Proprietary
X2X Triple-S GmbH Windows 2005 X2X-2015 Proprietary
XACT X4MR Applied Conversion Technologies Inc Virtual DOS 1994 3 / 1997-08-01 Proprietary
Yii-gii Yii community Yii (PHP) 2013-12-1 2.0.15 / 2018.03.20 New BSD License
ZumCoder MDD/MDA/ Template Based Agen Consultoria – Adilson de ALmeida Pedro Web – Online 1.0 Proprietary

Technical features

Name Implementation Language Active; Passive [16] Model[16] Typical input Other input Typical output
Xomega.Net for Visual Studio C#, XSL, XSD Active Mixed User-defined models, XML Templates, Import from DB Complete Application - User Interface (HTML5, ASP.NET, WPF, SPA), Service Layer (REST, WCF), Business Layer (EF), DAL, DB scripts, Config files, VS project files
Acceleo Java Active Tier User-defined EMF based models (UML, Ecore, user defined metamodels) Any EMF based input (Xtext DSLs, GMF graphical models, etc.) Any textual language.
Accelerator C# Active Tier Database schema XML Schema, Templates and configuration tables C#, WPF, ASP.NET, MVC, ASP.NET, WCF, WebServices(complete application)
actifsource Java Active Tier User-defined Models Import from UML, Ecore. Any textual language.
Adaptive Reuse Technique (vclang) Java Active Tier Templates Any text
aicodoo Machine Learning, Java Active Mixed Online-editor Machine Learning Model All programming languages. Java in current showcase.
any<code/> Java Active Tier User-defined models Custom templates (Groovy) Any textual language, depends on your template code. Built-in directives in Java, JPA, Objective-C added since v1.2.0
Appsroller Web Form Generator JavaScript Active Web Tier Any code JavaScript
Apeel PHP Code Generator Pro Delphi Passive Tier Database schema PHP, HTML, CSS Full Application – PHP, CSS, Apeel Open Source Framework.
AtomWeaver C++, Lua Active Tier Tree models built using a cooperative template system, based on the ABSE modeling approach Code in any language Any textual language
Catapult C#, JavaScript, HTML Active Web Tier Tree models built using Catapult UI Templates C#, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Celerio Java Active Tier Database schema Convention over Configuration and Configuration Custom templates (velocity) Any textual language, but traditionally Java, HTML, XML, etc.
Click2Code for windows Visual Basic 6.0 Active Mixed User-defined Templates Templates User Interface
Code4Green C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, SharePoint, SQL, JAVA, classical ASP, HTML, XML Active Tier Code4Green - an online ultimate code generation tool with a green cause of plantation of trees on each 10,000 LOC Code in C#, VB.NET, ASP.NET, SharePoint, SQL, JAVA, classical ASP, HTML, XML Output determined by the selected language type. It is a plain text.
CodeFluent Entities C# Active Mixed User-defined models, Database schema Templates .NET classes, Persistence layers (Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL), WCF Services, ASP.NET websites...
CodeIgniter Wizard Swift Active MVC Database schema, GUI-based column/field selector. User settings / preferences in GUI PHP classes (in MVC paradigm), form view and grid/list view files (with PHP, HTML, CSS code using Bootstrap 4)
CodeSmith Generator C#, VB.NET, JavaScript Active Mixed Database schema (ADOX, DB2 zOS, ISeries, MySQL, Oracle, Postgre, SQL Anywhere, SQL Compact, SQL Server, SQLite, VistaDB), C# or VB.NET source code, Any meta data source.. E.G., Web Services, SharePoint, UML, XSD, XML, DBML, EDMX, JSON, HBM, HTML and more... Templates Any textual output such as C#, VB.NET, C/C++, XML, SQL, JSON, JavaScript, HTML, or any other plain text format.
CodeGenerator360 C# Active Tier Database Schema XML Schema Stored procedures, .NET DAL, C# ASP.NET pages, Visual Studio 2010 solution and project files
Code Modeler C# Active Mixed Graphical Editor integrated with Visual Studio XML C#, SQL Server, .NET Standard
CodeOnTime C# Active Database Tables Templates and Various XML configuration tables C#, ASP.NET
Cog Python Active[17] Inline Code Expander Any code Java C# C++ C Perl Python Ruby TCL JavaScript Fortran Lisp Scheme Cobol XSLT JSP PHP Yacc SQL XML System Configuration Files
C++ Middleware Writer C++ Active DSL instance / Middle file Include files C++ marshalling code
DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit Several code generation DSLs (attribute grammars, tree patterns, source-to-source rewrites) Active DSLs represented as abstract syntax trees DSL instance Well-formed output language code fragments Any programming language (proven for C, C++, Java, C#, PHP, COBOL)
DRAKON Tcl/Tk Active Tier User-defined flowchart model drawn in the editor Flowchart in SQLite database in documented structure Java, Go, D, C#, C/C++ (with Qt support), Python, Tcl, JavaScript, Lua, Erlang, AutoHotkey, Verilog. Extensible.
EazyCode C#, VB.NET Active Tier Database schema Templates Application and code in ASP.NET, ASP.NET MVC, C#, VB.NET, WPF, WCF Services, SQL Query, SQL stored procedure, BAL, DAL, POCO
GenerateXY Java Active Tier User-defined Models XML, CSV, Java, ... (extensible) Any textual language, predefined modules for Java, HTML, XML
generjee Java Active Mixed Online-editor, user-defined models Full Java EE Application
Genexus Multiple languages Active Compenium Complete application generator including desktop, mobile (iOS, Android, Windows) cloud, etc. KB, Libraries, iOS, Android and other library. From simple to complex applications, with business objects, rules, screen, knowledge base, with db and code choices (e.g. C#, Java, Ruby, etc. plus management/generation. Also reverse engineering for legacy upgrades.
GNU AutoGen C Active Tier Autogen definitions (lists of key-value pairs or hierarchical data arranged like C structs), Autogen templates (fixed output plus inline macros for conditional or repetitive emission of code blocks or evaluation of Bourne shell or Scheme expressions) XML, CGI data Output determined by template (any language or even plain text); additional support for emitting header guards, certain licenses, option parsers, and finite state machines in C
GSL Universal Code Generator C Active Tier gsl script, XML models Any textual language
gSOAP C / C++ WSDL specifications C / C++ code that can be used to communicate with WebServices. XML with the definitions obtained.
Iron Speed Designer C# / VB.NET Active Tier Database schema CSS ASP.NET (Full application, including C# code, VB code, XML, stored procedures, etc.)
Isis Java pojos Active [18] Mixed Isis Java code: Domain Design optionally JSON (for layout hints) Java code: Apache Wicket JAX-RS DataNucleus Apache Shiro
JCodeBox Java Tier Java Java (Full Web Application)
Jigy Generator Java Active MVC Just fill out a simple form A Spring MVC Java web application compatible with either Eclipse or NetBeans based on the user's preferences
Jostraca Java Active [19] Tier Any code Java Any code; Java, JSP
kiss! C#, VB.NET, SQL Active Mixed Database as Data Model Templates C#, VB.NET classes, SQL, Schema Information as comma separated values (*.cs, *.vb, *.sql, *.csv)
Linx C# Active Tier Process Design from Linx designer - .NET Process (dll) and Windows Service
Microsoft Visual Studio LightSwitch C# / VB.NET Active Tier Database schema Complete Silverlight application (Desktop or Web)
MinuteProject Java code Active; Passive Mixed Database WSDL config, velocity files Java code: ORM entities, DAO, Webservices, Full application with proven framework stack: JPA
NoORM Java Active Mixed Database schema Templates Java classes (Persistence layer with proxy classes for database tables and views, DML code and services for stored procedures and declared queries with support for Oracle)
OMS.Ice – T4 Text Template Generator C# Active Mixed T4 text template, C# or VB C# partial classes Any textual output such as C#, VB, C/C++, XML, or any other plain text format
OutSystems Platform .NET Active Tier User defined models based on the OutSystems visual modelling language Java, C#, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS ASP.NET and JEE
PHPRunner PHP/ASP/C#/VB.NET Active Tier Database schema PHP, ASPX, HTML, CSS, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET (Full Web application, including C#, VB.NET, PHP, ASP code, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, etc.)
Pro*C Inline SQL in C C
Radarc Online C#/Angular.js/Node.js Active Mixed WYSIWYG UI/Data Layer Editor Templates User Interface Layer, Services Layer, Business Logic Layer, Data Access Layer, Database, IoC, Test... (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows)
Reegenerator C#, VB.NET, XSD Active Mixed User-defined Templates Database, XSD, XML, C# or VB.NET Code C#, VB.NET, SQL, Any other textual language
ribosome Ruby, JavaScript or Python Active Mixed Any format that can be read by Ruby, JavaScript or Python Code generation script in Ruby, JavaScript or Python any text document(s)
Scalagen Scala Passive Tier Database Scala ORM code
Scriptcase PHP, JavaScript Active Tier Complete application (Web/Mobile) and build or use the database schema PHP, HTML, JavaScript, Ajax, Full Web application ready to use (PHP and Javascript) with Interface layer, service layer, PHP, CSS. etc. and Database scripts to apply.
Skaffolder Angular, React, React Native, Xamarine, NodeJS, JAVA, PHP, others Active Mixed Database schema, OpenAPI 3.0, user-defined templates XML Schema, Import from DB Working application, frontend and backend + database schema
Spring Roo Java Active Tier Java and automatically introspected project metadata Shell commands Java (Full Web Application including Java source, AspectJ source, XML, JSP, Spring application contexts, build tools, property files, etc.)
Stadium C# Passive&Active Mixed Web Application design using Stadium designer Databases & SQL scripts .NET solution with C# sources, Bootstrap CSS, jQuery
T4 Passive T4 Template/Text File Any text format such as XML, XAML, C# files or just plain text files.
Telosys Java Active Mixed User-defined Models (DSL based on text files) and Database-Model created automatically from database schema Any textual language : Java (Spring, JAX-RS, JPA, JUnit, etc.), Python, C#, SQL, JavaScript (NodeJS), PHP, etc.
Textrude C# Active Mixed CSV, JSON, YAML data files, Scriban template file environment variables and user-supplied definitions Any text
TLGen Java Active Mixed Database schema (Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL), XML (domain model UML exported XML) Import from UML domain model (XML), Import from DB Java source classes (EJB3 persistence layer, data classes with interfaces. Session Beans, Entity Managers and Entity Bean source classes. Message Beans. Web Services (SOAP, REST). JUnit Test classes.). DB SQLs
Umple Java Active Tier Java, C++, PHP, Ruby with embedded Umple code Pure Umple code describing associations, patterns, state machines, etc. Java, C++, PHP, Ruby, ECcore, Umlet, Yuml, Textuml, JSON, Papyrus XMI
Velocity apache Java Passive [20] Tier Templates Java driver code Any text
X2X C++ Active Mixed Any textual format CSV export from Excel-Sheet Any textual language
XACT X4MR C Passive Language_A Source, Language_A-to-Language_B Transform Rules CHILL, CMS2, FORTRAN, COBOL, JOVIAL, PASCAL, PL/1, PLM86 Compilable Language_B Source; Application_A Documentation; Application_B Documentation
XDocLet Active Munger JavaDoc EJB support beans
Yii2 Gii PHP Active Tier Database schema, user input, source code Skeleton application, CRUD applications
ZumCoder/MDA PHP Passive Mixed XSD, DBML, Database Schema(Mysql,SqlServer,PostegreSQL,SQLite),HTML forms,PHP class and (ZML "ZumCoder Model Language", a XML define structure Templates Any textual language, depends upon your template code, you can write your own template to outputs the language of your preference


  5. "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2013-01-03. Retrieved 2012-12-17.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  13. Swertz, Morris A.; de Brock, E. O. (Bert); van Hijum, Sacha A. F. T.; de Jong, Anne; Buist, Girbe; Baerends, Richard J. S.; Kok, Jan; Kuipers, Oscar P.; Jansen, Ritsert C. (2004). "Molecular Genetics Information System (MOLGENIS): alternatives in developing local experimental genomics databases". Bioinformatics. 20 (13): 2075–83. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bth206. PMID 15059831.
  14. "OutSystems Boldly Cuts Mobile Application Development Time in Half with Low-Code Platform". Retrieved 2017-06-01.
  16. "Cog". Ned Batchelder. Retrieved 2015-02-23.
  17. Isis does not generate any code, the metamodel is used only at runtime
  18. Archived October 24, 2007, at the Wayback Machine
  19. "Open source tools are available that make the task of developing passive code generators all but trivial. One such offering is Velocity from the Apache Software Foundation". Retrieved 2014-01-24.
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