Paulo Freire: The Man from Recife

Early life

EDUCATOR PAULO FREIRE was born September 19, 1921. He grew up in the Northeast of Brazil where his experiences deeply influenced his life work. The world economic crisis forced Freire to know hunger and poverty at a young age. He recalls in Moacir Gadotti’s book, Reading Paulo Freire, “I didn’t understand anything because of my hunger. I wasn’t dumb. It wasn’t lack of interest. My social condition didn’t allow me to have an education. Experience showed me once again the relationship between social class and knowledge” (5). Because Freire lived among poor rural families and laborers, he gained a deep understanding of their lives and of the effects of socio-economics on education.

Paulo Freire: The Man from Recife
First edition cover
AuthorJames D. Kirylo
CountryUnited States
Published2011 Peter Lang
Media typePrint (paperback)
ISBN978-1-4331-0878-5 [1]

Author James D. Kirylo, president of Southeastern Louisiana University's Faculty Senate confers with Kevin L. Cope, president of the LSU Faculty Senate and president of the Association of Louisiana Faculty Senates, during a panel presentation in Hammond, on "State of (Dis)Repair: Higher Education in Louisiana" during 2015.


Donaldo Macedo, author of numerous books and one who collaborated with Paulo, asserted that Kirylo’s “insightful book is a great complement to Paulo Freire’s Letters to Cristina and Ana Maria Araújo Freire’s Paulo Freire: Uma História de Vida… Reading Kirylo’s book reminds me how I feel enormously to have an opportunity to work and collaborate with Paulo Freire so closely for many years.”[2]

According to Peter McLaren, "Paulo Freire has cultivated the ground for a long revolution, and James D. Kirylo's outstanding new work has skillfully illuminated this in ways few books on Freire have managed to accomplish."[2]


  1. "Paulo Freire". Retrieved 10 November 2013.
  2. "Paulo Freire". Peter Lang International Academic Publishers. Archived from the original on 3 March 2016. Retrieved 10 November 2013.
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