Russian Navy Code of Signals

The Russian Navy Code of Signals is a collection of flaghoist signals, which is used together with semaphore alphabet for the transmission of information between the ships of the Russian Navy and also with the shore. Its use resembles that of the signals of other navies but it is only used within the Russian fleet. For communication with foreign or civilian vessels the International Code of Signals is used.[1]

The Russian Navy Code of Signals originates from a similar code of signals used by the Imperial Russian Navy. It was used by the Soviet Navy and with mostly insignificant changes remains in use by the Naval fleet of the Russian Federation.[1]

The complete set of flags consists of 59 flags: 32 flags correspond to the letters of Russian alphabet, 10 flags correspond to numbers, 4 flags are substitutes and 13 have special values.[1]

The flag used by the Soviet Navy for the third substitute was based on the jack of the Imperial Russian Navy. Now that the Russian Federation is again using the old imperial jack, a new flag design is used for the third substitute.[2]

The 32 Letters

Flag NameTransliterationMeaningDescriptionInternational Use
А, АзAzNegative Answerred swallowtail with white rectangle vertically centered at the hoist
Б, БукиBuki“Hoist anchor”, “full speed”white pennant with red diskICS Number 1
В, ВедиVedi“Your course leads to danger”red pennant with blue white-fimbriated triangle set to the hoist
Г, ГлагольGlagolʹ“Enemy in sight”blue pennant
Д, ДоброDobroPositive answeryellow flag.ICS "Quebec"
Е, ЕстьEstʹ“To act independently or according to instruction”blue pennant with yellow triangle set to the hoist.ICS first substitute
Ж, ЖиветеŽivete“half speed”white flag with red lozengeICS "Foxtrot"
З, ЗемляZemlâ“motion astern”checkered blue and white flag. Identical to theICS "November"
И, ИжеIže“Anxiety”, “the alert”yellow over red horizontal bicolor pennantICS Number 7
Й, И краткоеI Kratkoe“found mine”white swallowtail flag with black disc
K, КаKa“I am going out of order”, “I am not under control”blue over red horizontal bicolor flagICS "Echo"
Л, ЛюдиLûdi“I turn to the left”white flag with red cross throughoutEngland
M, МыслетеMyslete“slow speed”checkered red and white flag
Н, НашNašI "conduct fire”, I " load ammunition”red swallowtailICS "Bravo"
O, ОнOn“To follow me”, “I request permission…”yellow pennant with vertical red stripeICS Number 0
П, ПокойPokoj“To turn to the right”yellow and blue vertical bicolorICS "Kilo"
Р, РцыRcyhorizontal triband of blue, white and blueICS "Juliet"
С, СловоSlovo“All stop (engines)”blue flag with white saltireICS "Mike"
T, ТвердоTverdo“To have a motion… of units”yellow and black quartered flagICS "Lima"
У, УхоUhoI "suffer calamity”red pennant with two white vertical stripesICS answering pennant
Ф, ФертFert“Cancellation”yellow flag with black discICS "India"
Х, ХаHa“The end of the exercise”white flag with red couped crossRed Cross
Ц, ЦепочкаCepočka“To return to its connection”red, yellow and blue horizontal triband
Ч, ЧервьČervʹ“Person(s) overboard”blue flag with small yellow lozenge
Ш, ШапкаŠapka“full speed”white flag with five blue rectangles, spaced evenly and set per saltire
Щ, ЩаŜawhite pennant with red Scandinavian cross throughoutICS Number 8
Ъ, Твердый знакTvôrdyj Znakblack over white triangular flag, divided horizontally in two equal parts.ICS Number 6
Ы, ЕрыEryblack flag with white ascending diagonal stripe
Ь, Мягкий знакMâkhkij Znakblue and white pennant, divided verticallyICS second substitute
Э, Э оборотноеÈ Oborotnoeflag with five horizontal stripes, of blue, white, red, white and blue.ICS "Charlie"
Ю, ЮлаÛlawhite flag with red saltireICS "Victor"
Я, ЯкоÂko“dead slow”red flag with yellow crossICS "Romeo"

The 10 Digits

Flag NameTransliterationMeaningDescriptionInternational Use
1 единицаedinicaDecimal Digit 1White beside blue vertical swallowtail bicolor.ICS "Alpha"
2 двойкаdvojkaDecimal Digit 2Blue triangular pennant with white diskICS Number 2
3 тройкаtrojkaDecimal Digit 3Pennant divided vertically into red/white/blue.ICS Number 3
4 четверкаčetverkaDecimal Digit 4Red pennant with white Scandinavian cross.ICS Number 4
5 пятёркаpâtërkaDecimal Digit 5Pennant divided vertically into yellow beside blue.ICS Number 5
6 шестёркаšestërkaDecimal Digit 6Red over yellow divided per bend dexter (from top-left to bottom-right)ICS "Oscar"
7 семеркаsemërkaDecimal Digit 7Red/white/blue vertical tribandICS "Tango"
8 восьмёркаvosʹmërkaDecimal Digit 8Red/White counterchanged quarters per crossICS "Uniform"
9 девяткаdevâtkaDecimal Digit 9White with blue crossICS "X-ray"
0 нольnolʹDecimal Digit 0Four colors divided per saltire consisting of yellow/blue/red/blackICS "Zulu"

The four substitutes and 13 special flags

Flag NameTransliterationMeaningDescriptionInternational Use
1-ый дополнительный1-yj dopolnitelʹnyj1st substitutered rectangle with the white border against the dark-blue backgroundICS "Whiskey"
2-ой дополнительный2-оj dopolnitelʹnyj2nd substitutered slanting strips against a yellow backgroundICS "Yankee"
3-ий дополнительный3-ij dopolnitelʹnyj3rd substitute (Soviet era)Russian navy jack with white border
3-ий дополнительный3-ij dopolnitelʹnyj3rd substitute (modern)white over black flag divided per bend dexter (from top-hoist to bottom-fly)
4-ый дополнительный4-yj dopolnitelʹnyj4th substitutePennant quartered white, black, red and yellow.ICS Number 9
ГюйсGûjsSoviet Navy Jackred flag with white hammer and sickle surrounded by white outline of a star
ГазGazpoison gasesblack flag with the white-bordered red triangle
ДымDymsmoke screenwhite pennant with the black horizontal stripeICS 3rd Substitute
ТелеграфныйTelegrafnyjtelegraphic codeyellow and blue vertical stripsICS "Golf"
ШлюпочныйŠlûločnyjlower boatsdark-blue flag with the white rectangle in the centerICS "Papa"
ВоздушныйVozdušnyjairplaneswhite flag with the blue rectangle in the centerICS "Sierra"
НордNordNorthwhite flag with red inverted triangle
ЗюйдZûjdSouthwhite flag with black triangle
ОстOstEastwhite flag with black lozenge
ВестVestWestRed/white quarters divided per saltire
ВопросительныйVoprostelʹnyjinterrogative flagyellow, blue and yellow horizontal stripesICS "Delta"
ОтветныйOtvestnyjreciprocal flag. Raised to half mast when a signal is noticed. Raised the rest of the way up when the signal is pennant with white disk
ИсполнительныйIspolnitelʹnyjexecutivevertical bicolor white and redICS "Hotel"


  1. Флаги военно-морского свода сигналов СССР
  2. Флаги военно-морского свода сигналов Российской Федерации
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