Alexander Bukalov

Aleksandr Bukalov (also known as Alexander Bukalov or Aleksandr Boukalov) (born 1962), is a Ukrainian doctor of psychology. Supporter of socionics, the pseudoscientific[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10] theory of information processing and personality types. Director of the International Institute of Socionics (IIS).[11]

He works in the field of psychology, socionics, sociology, computer science, cybernetics, artificial intelligence modeling, biophysics, quantum physics, superconductivity, astroparticle physics, astrobiology. Bukalov has authored more than 250 articles and a number of books, including The potential of the individual and the mysteries of human relationships.[12]

He founded the International Institute of Socionics in Kiev, Ukraine in 1991.

Socionics journals

He is director of the International Institute of Socionics and editor in chief of the following six pseudoscience journals published by the institute:

  1. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology[13] Six issues of this Russian-language journal have been published every year since 1995, on topics including basic socionics theory, hypotheses concerning socionics theory, and practical applications of socionics theory.
  2. Psychology and Socionics of Interpersonal Relations [14]
  3. Management and Personnel: Psychology of Management, Socionics and Sociology[15]
  4. Pedagogics, Psychology and Socionics of Education [16]
  5. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics[17]
  6. Origin of language and culture: ancient history of mankind[18]

These journals are indexed in the Russian Science Citation Index , , , Google Scholar and WorldCat.

Co-founder of socionics

After the original models presented by Ausura Augusta, Bukalov is responsible with Gregory Reinin and Victor Gulenko for the structuring of modern socionics theory.[19][20][21][22][23]


  1. Mineev, V. V. (2014). Введение в историю и философию науки [Introduction to the history and philosophy of science]. p. 84. ISBN 978-5-4458-7511-6. The long list of pseudoscientific concepts today includes: theory of torsion fields, cold fusion projects, wave genetics, japhetic theory, the theory of "living matter", "new chronology", eugenics, dianetics, cryonics, socionics…
  2. Sergeev, A. G. (2017). "Синекдоха отвечания, или Защита гомеопатическая [Synecdoche of Answering, or Homeopatic Defence]" (PDF). В защиту науки [In defense of science] (19): 90. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2019-11-24. Retrieved 2020-07-14. ...there are dozens of true pseudosciences, such as astrology and palmistry, ESP and parapsychology, cryptobiology and bioenergetics, bioresonance and iridology, creationism and telegonia, UFOlogy and paleoastronautics, eniology and dianetics, numerology and socionics...
  3. Sokol'chik, V. N. (2017). "Феномен паранауки и проблема демаркации знания в постнеклассической науке [The phenomenon of parascience and the problem of demarcation of knowledge in post-nonclassical science]". Труды БГТУ. Сер. 6, История, философия [Proceedings of BSTU (Belarus) Ser.6, History, philosophy]. 1 (107): 113–117.
  4. Zhilina V. A.; Nevelev A. B.; Kamaletdinova A. Ya. (2017). "Философия, наука, лженаука и наукообразность [Philosophy, science, pseudoscience and sciolism]". Вестник Челябинского государственного университета [Bulletin of the Chelyabinsk state University] (4 (400) Философские науки. Вып. 44): 89–94. An example of pseudoscience is [ ... ] socionics (the idea of Lithuanian economist and psychologist A. Augustinavichiute about the existence of 16 sociotypes, which can be identified with well-known personalities)...
  5. Salpagarova L. A. (2019). "Самоопределение современной науки: проблема демаркации и ее социальный смысл [Self-determination of modern science: the problem of demarcation and its social meaning]" (PDF). Манускрипт. 12 (8): 46–50. doi:10.30853/manuscript.2019.8.23. ISSN 2618-9690. A special danger for culture is pseudoscience, which exists in the form of a wide variety of forms: from astrology to not so long ago appeared UFOlogy, "socionics", homeopathy, etc.
  6. Podymov L. I. (2018). Псевдонаука. Разоблачение обмана и заблуждений [Pseudoscience. The Disclosure of Deception and Delusion]. p. 478. ISBN 978-5-17-100781-2. There are also pure pseudosciences in the field of personal predictions that pretend to be serious theories. For example, socionics. Socionics is the concept of personality types and relationships between them. Based on Jung's teaching, socionics deduces the existence of 16 socionic types [...] we will refer socionics to the category of pseudoscience, because, having a science-like form, it positions itself as an effective concept, in addition it earns money from its unconfirmed ideas.
  7. Volkov E. N. (2008). "Воздействие психолога: принципы выбора мировоззренческой позиции и профессионального поведения [Influence of a psychologist: principles of choosing a worldview position and professional behavior]". Практическая психология в междисциплинарном аспекте: проблемы и перспективы. Материалы Первой Международной научно-практической конференции, 15-16 октября 2008 г., Днепропетровск [Practical psychology in an interdisciplinary aspect: problems and prospects. Materials of the First International scientific and practical conference, October 15-16, 2008, Dnepropetrovsk]. These concepts and discoveries of the human sciences, oddly enough, are still largely ignored by one part of the practicing psychological community, while another, even more numerous, is exploited exclusively in the form of pseudo-scientific or semi-occult mythological methods (such as NLP, "positive thinking", socionics, etc...)
  8. E.Ivashechkina; G.Chedzhemov (2019). "Соционика: наука или псевдонаука? Основы соционики" (PDF). Тенденции развития науки и образования. 49 (3): 46–50.
  9. V.Ignatjev (2013). "Соционика -- псевдонаука в облике новейшей отрасли психологии". Вестник Рязанского государственного университета им. С. А. Есенина. 2 (39).
  10. T.Abashkina (2015). Формирование психологических терминов на основе прецедентной концептосферы (PDF). pp. 48–54.
  11. International Institute of Socionics (IIS)
  12. Bukalov A. V. The potential of the individual and the mysteries of human relationships. Moscow, International Institute of Socionics, PG "Black Squirrel", 2009. 592 pp. ISBN 978-5-91827-004-2
  13. Socionics, Mentology and Personality Psychology
  14. Psychology and Socionics of Interpersonal Relations
  15. Management and Personnel: Psychology of Management, Socionics and Sociology
  16. Pedagogics, Psychology and Socionics of Education
  17. Physics of Consciousness and Life, Cosmology and Astrophysics
  18. Origin of language and culture: ancient history of mankind
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