
Henkelodon was a small mammal of the Upper Jurassic. It was a relatively early member of the extinct order Multituberculata. Henkelodon was a European herbivore that lived during the "age of the dinosaurs". It lies within the suborder "Plagiaulacida" and family Paulchoffatiidae.

Temporal range: Kimmeridgian
~155–150 Ma
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Multituberculata
Family: Paulchoffatiidae
Genus: Henkelodon
H. naias
Binomial name
Henkelodon naias
Hahn G., 1977

The genus Henkelodon ("Henkel's tooth") was named by Hahn G. in 1977 based on a single species.

Fossil remains of the species Henkelodon naias were discovered in the Kimmeridgian (Upper Jurassic)-age Alcobaça Formation of Guimarota, Portugal. The remains consisted of one upper jaw. According to Kielan-Jaworowska and Hurum, 2001, (p. 413), this genus was named in 1987. However, Hahn and Hahn 2000 (p. 105) supports 1977.


    Further reading

    • Hahn G (1977), "Neue Schädel-Reste von Multituberculaten (Mamm.) aus dem Malm Portugals". Geologica et Palaeontologica, 11, p. 161-186 (New skull remains of Multituberculates (Mammalia) from the Malm of Portugal)
    • Hahn G & Hahn R (2000), Multituberculates from the Guimarota mine, p. 97-107 in Martin T & *Krebs B (eds), Guimarota - A Jurassic Ecosystem, Verlag Dr Friedrich Pfeil, München.
    • Kielan-Jaworowska Z & Hurum JH (2001), "Phylogeny and Systematics of multituberculate mammals". Paleontology 44, p. 389-429.
    • author and year information were kindly supplied by Vince Ward.
    • Much of this information has been derived from Multituberculata Cope, 1884.
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